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Mapping of institutional architecture for protection from oil spills in the Baltic Sea region : survey results and report

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Mapping of institutional architecture for protection from oil spills in the Baltic Sea region : survey results and report


This report presents results of the survey Institutional Architecture Mapping for Protection from Oil Spills in the Baltic Sea region1, commissioned by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency MSB, and carried out by a consultant, in a close dialogue with experts at MSB. This survey was intended as a pilot in drawing a comprehensive picture of oil spill contingency management in the Baltic Sea region, aimed to understanding of what institutions may be involved in this process in different countries. Oil spill protection is a complex undertaking due to its cross-sectorial nature, and may vary in different approaches and practices on how to organise it institutionally. Knowing these different models may encourage and facilitate good practice exchange among countries, and, more importantly, facilitate cross-border information exchange and cooperation.


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