How to stop bleeding

If someone is bleeding heavily, it’s important that you act quickly. Here is guidance about how to stop a severe bleeding.

Heavy bleeding can be life-threatening. If the pool of blood is the size of a plate or half a soda can, the bleeding is considered life-threatening. Also look out for flowing blood or blood-soaked clothing.

  • Make sure you and the injured person are safe before assisting them.
  • Phone emergency services at 112 or ask someone else to phone them.
  • Locate the bleeding.
  • Apply direct, firm pressure on the wound with your arms extended in an outstretched position, preferably using a bunched-up t-shirt, scarf or similar item. Lean in with your body weight and you will last longer. The pressure will stanch or stop the bleeding. Maintain pressure.
  • If you become fatigued or require assistance, ask someone to apply pressure on top of your hands.
  • Maintain pressure until an ambulance arrives, and the paramedics say that you can release pressure.
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